
  • Blogger im Gespräch

    Philip Banse spricht auf der re:publica 2012 mit vier Netzpublizisten, die 2011/12 mit bemerkenswerten Aktionen aufgefallen sind. Jedes Gespräch dauert rund 15 Minuten, anschließend kann das Publikum Fragens stellen.

  • DLD Conference 2011: „Responsive Cities“

    Reacting to social issues with a spirit of inclusiveness, participation and entrepreneurship, Raul co-founded the SOZIALHELDEN platform, a multi-award-winning group of extraordinary changemakers,of which he is one of the creative masterminds. The group has a track record of creating successful, sustainable and well marketed social innovations, including “Pfandtastisch helfen!”, Germany’s most prominent recycling for social…

  • TEDxBerlin

    Raul Krauthausen is a marketing specialist dedicated to solving social problems, and making solving social problems fun. During his childhood in South America, he witnessed many stark economic divides, and with his own genetic bone disorder confining him to the wheelchair, he experienced the social divides facing people with disabilities.

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